January 6, 2007: We got our hair cut today. Michelle will be going in for another surgery on January 8th. You can follow her progress from this web site.

Reverse Mohawk

January 1, 2007: Martha had prepared several Créme ramekins , and we had the torch gassed up for the Brulé treatment. Watch that blue flame!

Creme Brulé

Read Our Holiday Letter

December 31, 2006: The last day of the year. Here is a picture of "The Three Eds" - Edgar, Edward (II) and Edward (I) Beale, in Hamden, CT. We then visited the British Museum in New Haven for the last day of the Canaletto in England exhibit.

Three Eds

December 30, 2006: LaVache seems to like being under the Christmas tree. Sorry to tell you, kitty - Santa has come and gone.

Christmas Kitty

December 29, 2006: Eddie went with his father to visit the new job offices in Warwick, RI. Heading out at 6am, they stopped at Zip's Diner. On the way home they stopped in at the Olneyville N.Y. System fine dining establishment.

Coney Island Wieners

December 28, 2006: We visited Sean & Kristen in New London, then went to the Coast Guard Academy to see the new Alumni Association building. We had sponsored a brick in the courtyard outside the side entrance. It is well positioned on the way to the new astroturfed football field.

CGA Brick

December 23, 2006: We had dinner with Tanya & Billy, and Lynn & Scott at Ruby Tuesday's. Everyone looked really good and we had a great evening catching up.

Tonya & Lynn

December 19, 2006: We're in the northeast again. We visited Rich Perez on Long Island.

Holiday 2006

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